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Comments on Neighbourhood Plan

by Haddenham Webteam – 13th January 2015
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This website has published many items relating to Haddenham's Neighbourhood Plan (NP) and we make no apologies for this. The reason is that, once published and accepted by the majority of residents and approved by a Government Inspector, the NP will provide a vitally important statutory instrument to shape the future development of the village.

Most importantly, without a NP in place, we are vulnerable to levels of house building that would seriously alter the size and nature of the village, with over 1,000 new homes likely to be added in the coming few years.

We believe that developers are currently in a race to have their outline planning applications approved before the NP can be finalised, published and approved, in order to avoid being constrained by such a document. Leading the charge is Lightwood Strategic, who appear to be driving their planning application for land bounded by Aston Road & Stanbridge Road, north of Tiggywinkles with undue haste. Let us hope that the AVDC planning officers respect the local democratic process that is currently in train to produce the Haddenham NP, and do not approve this application ahead of the NP's final publication.

Have you read and commented on the Draft NP yet? A summary of this draft document has been delivered to all local homes in recent weeks, and the opportunity for local resident to comment concludes in just a few days, on Saturday 17th January 2015. You can add your comments here.

Role of Haddenham Village Society
Haddenham Village Society has been a keen advocate of the NP, and its executive committee was instrumental in encouraging the Parish Council to take on this challenging process early in 2013. Since then, a team led by parish councillor Andy Fell with significant help and assistance from Village Society members, has worked very hard to secure local opinions and publish the first draft document.

The Village Society has now published it own comments on the Draft NP, as part of the current consultation process. You can read these comments by clicking on the 'HVS Commentary' PDF located below the images on this page.

Haddenham Village Society is also hosting a public forum to enable local residents to discuss the NP at the Community Library on Thursday 15th January. This will following their short AGM, which commences at 8.00pm. The furum presents an opportunity to 'Have Your Say' during the NP consultation period, which concludes this Saturday.

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