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Easter Services

by Rev. Helen Barnes – 15th April 2014
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Spring seemed to start early this year. Some daffodils were out in February and the leaves started budding earlier than normal. Spring seems to bring with it the hope of good things to come, such as longer and warmer days, sunnier skies and happier people. We have eagerly looked for those signs of Spring which will bring us hope for the year to come. It is no coincidence that Easter happens during Spring. Just as Spring makes us hope for better things to come, so does Easter. Easter's hope is not one of uncertainty, just hoping for the best. Easter's hope is one of assurance that we have the knowledge that better things will definitely happen.

The celebration of Easter marks the dying and resurrection of Jesus Christ: God's son who was sent to us that he could share in our humanity. Jesus defeated death and rose from the grave and opened a pathway for us so that we may share in eternity with Him. There is nothing better to celebrate than eternal life.

The churches in Haddenham remember Jesus Christ and all He did for us during their services over the Easter period. It's time to celebrate and worship. Our village services are open to all – so come and join us. Happy Easter!

Not sure if you fit in? Try this

Easter Services

Haddenham Baptist Church

Maundy Thursday 7.30pm Holy Communion
Good Friday 10.15am Procession of Witness (see below)
Easter Sunday 5.55am Sunrise Service at St Mary's School, followed by Breakfast at the Baptist Church
10.15am Family Worship Service
6.15pm Evening Worship

Haddenham Methodist Church

Good Friday 10.15am Procession of Witness (See below)
Easter Sunday 5.55am Sunrise Service at St Mary's School
10.15am Easter Service and Holy Communion led by Mr T. Stewart

St Mary's C of E Haddenham

Maundy Thursday 7.30pm Communion Service at St Nicholas, Kingsey
Good Friday 10.15am Procession of Witness (from Townsend Green) to St Mary's for 11.00 a.m. Service
Easter Sunday 5.55 am Sunrise Service (St Mary's School)
10.30am Easter Family Communion Service

Roman Catholic Church of the Good Shepherd Haddenham
and Our Lady of Light Long Crendon

Maundy Thursday 8.00pm Mass of the Last Supper (Long Crendon)
Good Friday 6.00pm Liturgy of The Passion (Haddenham)
cell 6.00pm Stations of The Cross (Long Crendon)
Holy Saturday 8.30pm Easter Vigil Mass (Long Crendon)
Easter Sunday 9.30am Easter Mass (Haddenham)
11.00am Easter Mass (Long Crendon)
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