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Pavements Are For People

by Haddenham Webteam – 27th July 2015
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Pavements are for People, not Cars!

Haddenham's Safe Walking & Cycling Group has joined with the Parish Council to mount a campaign to stop parking on the pavement in the village. The campaign was launched at the Village Fete in June to an appreciative audience: villagers snapped up cards to leave under the windscreen wipers of offending vehicles. More cards are available from the Parish Clerk, Sue Gilbert, at the parish office in the village hall.

PCSO, Sue Jones, has agreed to take up reports of repeat offenders. If you have to place a card on the same car twice, then take a photo of its number plate and location and Email it to Sue here:

She will then contact the offender without giving him or her your name.

It is illegal to park on the pavement.

Sometimes it is done for fear of obstructing traffic flow. Cast aside this fear. You are benefitting the village if your parked car slows down the traffic. Slower traffic means fewer accidents and safer travel for all of us.

Cynthia Floud
Chair, Safe Walking & Cycling Group

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