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Greener Travel Options

by Haddenham Webteam – 9th December 2014
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Are you conscious of the number of car journeys you make, especially when its just a very short distance such as for local shopping in Haddenham or to visit the village hall or community library? Or when travelling to Thame or Aylesbury, have you ever considered alternative travel options, particularly when you're the only occupant of your vehicle?

Sustrans is a charity that is keen to encourage the use of transport options which help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. It has recently published its 'Active Travel Map' – a small leaflet with lots of useful information and tips for reducing car journeys in and around Haddenham, based on more walking and cycling, bus and rail use, and ideas for car sharing.

You can download a copy from this page: simply click on the Active pdf below the image.

(NB: if you wish to view this on screen rather than print off a paper copy, you will need to use the document rotation facility as the pdf is designed to produce a fold-up leaflet).

For more information about Sustrans and local travel options, visit the Facebook page

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