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Publication of Photographs

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As many regular visitors to the community website will know, this website seeks to document many village events in photographs, to reflect the fun and enjoyment that is on offer in our lovely rural Buckinghamshire village.

Whenever the editor takes photographs of young children, he always seeks the permission of their accompanying parents, relatives or guardians before any images appear on the website. It goes without saying that the wishes of carers are fully respected when they indicate that they do not want their children featured. The editor also liaises very closely with the three schools to ensure that the schools' public events do not result in photographs of youngsters on Haddenham.net for whom parental permission has not been given.

When teenagers and young adults are involved in public events, the editor will seek to ask them directly before their image(s) are included on the community website. When such young folk are in large groups this is not always feasible, but anyone who prefers not to see themselves featured on the community website should let us know, and the editor will respond immediately to such requests.

Thus far (after several years of featuring a huge number of village events) the editor has never been to asked to remove an image. However, here are the contact details should anyone wish to object to the publication of an image:

Editor's email: haddenham.net@hotmail.com Tel: 01844 290244

On a more positive note, the editor will be pleased to provide parents or guardians with copies of any images of their children featured on this website without charge, as long as such requests are channeled through the local schools, to ensure their authenticity. The editor maintains close relationships with all three Haddenham schools.

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