The Haddenham Beer Festivals Trust is responsible for organising Haddenham's twice-yearly beer festivals and for distributing the funds raised to local good causes. This group has done a wonderful job over the years, raising and distributing over £150,000 for the benefit of groups, charities and voluntary organisations in Haddenham and surrounding areas. To find out more, visit the Trust's website. Registered Charity No. 1136844
Jacqueline Green
Annual Xmas Raffle to raise funds
Wendy Weller
Village fund-raising group. Organises Lent hunger lunches, May Fair, house-to-house collection, Christmas Fair, Christmas Eve soup lunch.
Peter Jeffery
Protection of the countryside – local branch of national organisation
01844 292070
Haddenham Community Support Group for Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity
Contact Sue Peck on or Angela Hart on 01844 292070.
The HCSG is a volunteer committee which has been raising funds for the Hospice for the past ten years. The group relies on helpers and supporters to organise a range of fundraising events throughout the year, including Haddenham Open Gardens, Fashion Show and the Santa Dash.
The Charity also has a retail shop in Haddenham – see seperate listing: 'Hospice Charity Shop'
01844 291004
The Trustees of Haddenham Parochial Charities are: Alan Rose (291004); Steve Sharp (290597); John Wheeler (296134); John Wilson (291200).
The Haddenham Parochial Charities consist of the three registered ancient charities:
Alms Corn (237265)
Joseph Franklin (204185)
Revd John Willis (205529)
They were originally intended to provide bread, coal, and seed corn for the poor of the parish. Nowadays grants of money are made. In 1903 the trustees bought the allotment field to rent to the Parish Council. This gave an income for the charities as well as providing the benefit of allotments for the village.
The Haddenham Parochial Charities now make payments of money to individuals in need and to parish organisations that help those in need.
Applications for a grant are sought from individuals from 01 November to 01 December for payment before Christmas. Application forms are made available at the Post Office, the Medical Centre, the Parish Office, and Blooming Fruity. Names of applicants are kept confidential to the trustees.
Richard Kendall
'Heartbeat Haddenham' was established under the auspices of the Parish Council to raise money to purchase and install publicly accessible Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in the village. There are now seven AEDs in the village that are ready for emergency use by the general public and available 24/7 -- see map in "Emergency Defibrillators" item at bottom of the Homepage of this website. They are located at:
* Railway Station, Thame Road
* Catholic Church, at junction of Crabtree Road with The Croft and Stockwell
* St Mary's Centre, Church End
* Abbeyfield Care Home, 106 Churchway
* Sports & Social Club, Woodways
* Co-op Store, Tibbs Road
* Community Library
Richard Kendall 01844 290788
Andy Ellis 01844 292488
FNHC Shop, Bradmoor Farm
HP17 8JX
The Florence Nightingale Charity runs a shop in Haddenham in one of the business units on Bradmoor Farm.
The Charity is also supported by the Haddenham Community Support Group (HCSG) is a volunteer committee and with its helpers raises funds for Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity by organising social events.
Please see separate listing: 'FNHC Support Group'
01296 619400
The Lymphoma Association is a registered charity founded by patients in 1986 which works to ensure that anyone affected by lymphatic cancer has access to relevant, accurate and timely information and support. Free Helpline: Mon – Thur (09.00 to 18.00) and Friday (09.00 – 17.00) Tel: 0808 808 5555
Jenny Hardy
The Society for Mucopolysaccharide Diseases. Fundraising and local contacts for the charity
Jane Rose
Fund raising and local contact
01844 291739
The annual Poopy Appeal organiser in Haddenham is Mrs Jeanne Marshall. Email via: or Telephone 291739
Gail West
216 961
Welfare Office in Thame. Ex-servicemen and women and their dependents in the Haddenham area, who are in need of help should call us (in confidence).
Jenny Bullimore
Fund raising for orphanage and old people's home in Bangalore, India
Val Walker
Fund raising for this Christian relief and development charity and sale of fairly traded goods
Sarah Wood
Fund-raising for street children projects in Kenya
Bill Johnston: 01844 290060
We are awaiting a new minister: Revd Jonny Fillis from September 2020. Church services are 10.15am (including Sunday school and creche and 18.15pm
Fr Leszek Wisniewski
Masses: Masses:Â
Saturday: 17:00 – Vigil Mass for Sunday.Â
Sunday: 09:30 – Sunday Mass (with choir and organ accompaniment). Â
Weekdays:10:00 – Mass.Â
Holy Days: 17:00 – Vigil Mass;
09:30 – Mass; 19:30 – Evening Mass.

Confessions: 1st Friday of the month, 09:00 -09:30 and on request
Keith Wallace (Treasurer)
Sunday morning services and Sunday school, Services at 10.15am. Rev. Helen Kirk 01296 488963 Stewards: Ann Wallace 01844 290782; Jenny Bullimore 01844 291011; Mary White 01844 291677; Bonny Moore 01844 290972. Hirings Jenny Bullimore – Email:
Haddenham Methodist Church is reputed to be the tallest Witchert building in the world and was built in 1822. The old school building now houses the Haddenham Museum where this ancient form of construction is explained.
Rector: Revd Margot Hodson
01844 291108
The Vicarage, The Gables, Haddenham, Bucks, HP17 8AD
Administrator: Sue Childs
01844 291108
Church Parish Office, St Mary's Centre, Church End, Haddenham, HP17 8AH
Open Mon – Fri, 10.00-12noon
Sunday morning and evening services, Children's Church.
The Haddenham community library provides a very good option for public and private meetings. It is available for hire outside normal opening hours for meetings, talks and other community activities.
Library opening times:
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am to 5pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm
Library Managers – Hilary Vickers and Robyn Cook can be contacted at
Some schools, churches and pubs have rooms available for hire – see separate entries for contact details.
Hall at Banks Park, available for hire.
Richard Kendall, Chairman of Scout & Guide Association. Tel: 290788
01844 291108
Church End
HP17 8AH
Church End, Haddenham, HP17 8AH
Chloe (Administrator)
01844 291108
St Mary's Centre has a large hall with a kitchen area, plus two smaller rooms, available for hire through the Parish Office.