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Haddenham Village Society

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Welcome to this page of the website featuring the Haddenham Village Society.

Haddenham is a large village in Buckinghamshire, in the United Kingdom. Nearest towns are Thame and Aylesbury.

The Haddenham Village Society holds talks, presentations, organises outings & excursions, runs fund-raising events, supports community & activity groups, makes representations on planning applications and other issues affecting your village.

Membership of HVS is £25 per family for a 5 year period, and this gives access to certain member-only events as well as supporting the village. 'Life Members' can volunteer to transfer to this arrangement also, if they so wish.


The Aims of the Haddenham Village Society are:

  • To reflect the culture of the village, drawing from the traditions and ambiance of the past, evolving to encompass the aims and living styles of the present, to preserve the quality of life and provide a heritage for the future
  • To emphasise that Haddenham is an agreeable location in which to live, with a strong sense of community both in fabric and in spirit
  • To champion the visual appeal of the village, whilst recognising the need for appropriate development of housing, businesses, shops, services roads and other amenities within the village
  • To be a point of contact for new arrivals and to existing residents


The Haddenham Village Society offers a wide range of meetings and events each year. These are held approximately monthly.

Although the HVS Committee is dominated by mature folk who have the time to help organise such events, the Village Society is very keen indeed to offer activities that are attractive to all age groups and which reflect a broad range of interests.

The programme of HVS meetings and events is advised by direct emails sent regularly to our registered members, and full details are also published in advance on the community website, Haddenham.net

For details about joining the Village Society, please get in touch with the Hon. Membership Secretary:

Juanita Hughes
98a Churchway
Haddenham HP17 8DT
Tel: 292215
Email: hvsmembership@gmail.com

Or simply download and complete the application form featured below the images on this page, and return to Juanita Hughes

Executive Committee

Dr Keith Milmer
Tel: 290244
Email: chair@villagesociety.org

Brian Bowman
Hall House, 14 Church End
Haddenham HP17 8AE
Tel: 290346
Email: brianzoe@14churchend.com

Vice Chairman
Jim Robbins
12 Pilots Place
Haddenham HP17 8NW
Tel: 291815
Email: vicechair@villagesociety.org

Hon. Treasurer
Hon. Treasurer
Mike Cottrell
3 Waggoners Court
HP17 8RW
Tel: 290875
Email: treasurer@villagesociety.org

Membership Secretary
Juanita Hughes
98a Churchway
Haddenham HP17 8DT
Tel: 292215
Email: hvsmembership@gmail.com

Minutes Secretary
Teresa Cottrell

Email: secretary@villagesociety.org

Elected Members of the Committee

Richard Hirst
Emmanuel Cottage
16 Townsend Green,
Haddenham HP17 8JW
Tel: 291117
Email: richard.hirst@jpbh-consulting.co.uk

John Brandis
Fort End House
Fort End
Haddenham HP17 8RW
Tel: 292484
Email: j.m.brandis46@gmail.com

Alison Watt
21 Waterslade Pens,
Haddenham HP17 8HP
Tel: 292544
Email: alison.watt@yahoo.co.uk

Robyn Cook
Email: robyncook15@btinternet.com

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