Freemasons – Haddenham Lodge 8944
Web –
Email –
Facebook – @HaddenhamLodge
Twitter – @Hadd8944
Eve McLaughlin
The Society holds a meeting starting at 14.00 on the second Sat. each month at the Southcourt Community Centre, Prebendal Avenue, Aylesbury. (NB: In July and August these meetings are usually replaced with an expert guided tour of Bucks towns and villages, or visits to local sites of interest). Meetings have a guest speaker. A selection of research materials and advice are shared.
Alan Rose
Tune ringing on handbells. Beginners welcome. Meet on Mondays (term time) 20.00 – 21.30 and alternate Monday afternoons 14.00 – 15.30 at 14 Stockwell, Haddenham, HP17 8AX. For further information, contact Jacky Keates 291014 or Alan Rose 291004
Michael Whitney
Vintage tractor and stationary engine working club. Meet at 20.00 on last Thurs in the month, at Bledlow Village Hall. More details from Michael.
Gay Jordan
The society organises talks, outings, plant sales and two shows each year. Members enjoy various benefits for their £4 annual family membership fee.
Niall Pritchard (Chairman)
07535 615561
The senior football club in the village. Haddenham United FC currently has two teams: a First Team and a Reserve Team, which both play in the Aylesbury District League. The First Team is currently in Division 1 while the Reserves play in Division 3.
07969 779222
Jan Baker Yoga
British Wheel Of Yoga, BWY, 500 hour Diploma and Gentle Years teacher offering small friendly Hatha Yoga classes.
Tuesday Mixed Ability Yoga 6.45 -7.45 pm Methodist Church, High Street, Haddenham, HP17 8RW, class suitable for all ages and levels including beginners.
U3A Yoga Wednesday
11.45 am – 12.45 pm
Fairford Leys Centre, HP19 7HT
3 – 4 pm Haddenham Library, HP17 8EE
Zoom Yoga Thursday 9.45 – 10.45 am
Chair Yoga coming to Haddenham soon. 1-to-1's also available. Contact Jan for further information or to book a class.
tel: 07969 779222
07739 186231
Janey Enticott has been running Jazzercise classes in Haddenham since 2009. They are dance based group fitness classes, set to current chart music. Every class includes elements of dance, yoga, Pilates and strength training. They are suitable for a wide range of fitness and abilities, as modifications are shown throughout. We also have a gentler option, Lo, which uses chairs and is aimed at those looking for a less strenuous workout. Extra times and days are also available at our other local classes in Thame, Chinnor and Princes Risborough. 3 classes for £10 as a starter trial offer.
Monday – Village Hall
9am Sculpt 30
9.30am Cardio Sculpt
10.40am Lo (Chair based)
Tuesday – Junior School
6.45pm Cardio Sculpt
7:45pm Stretch 30
Thursday – Village Hall
9.30am Cardio Sculpt
10.45am Lo (Chair based)
Friday – Village Hall
9.30am Power Sculpt (Interval style)
10.30am Stretch .
Women's group – programme of speakers, summer ramble, theatre, local garden visits and meals out. Meet monthly for outings or in member's homes (days and times vary). More details from Bonny
07742 577 138
A club for adults and youngsters (ages 8-80).
Suitable for all levels of fitness and flexibility as full warm-ups performed prior to training. Build up assertiveness/confidence and strength. Improve concentration/focus (helps adults at work and youngsters at school). Learn to defend yourself, control aggression and earn respect. Meet new friends. Meet at the Youth & Community Centre, Woodways: Saturdays 14:00 – 15:30 all year round. Further information from Fran Kenny 07742 577138
Heather Woods
A varied programme of speakers and occasional outings. Meet monthly in members' homes, usually on a Monday evening. Details from Mary.
07969 779222
Mindfulness Courses
Jan Baker
Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC)/University Of Oxford Mindfulness courses in Haddenham led by an OMC trained teacher. These evidence based courses will help you develop skills to improve wellbeing and resilience to stress. Face to face and online classes available. Contact Jan for further information.
tel: 07969 779222
Ann Warris
Monday Club is a social gathering for seniors which meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays in the month (except Bank holidays) from 2.15 – 3.45pm in St Mary's Centre at Church End. Activities include guest speakers, discussions, craft activities, quizzes and meeting friends. Monday Club is an initiative of St. Mary's Church.
Further information from Ann Warris 292273 or Christine Headlong 290694 / 07811 713522
Tim Chowns
01844 291596
15a Windmill Road
HP17 8JA
Annual 'Mummers' play performed around Christmas by Haddenham residents. More details online – cut and paste this into your browser:
Steve Sharp
01844 290597
Woodend House, High Street
HP17 8ER
The Haddenham Museum, stewarded by volunteers, is open on Sun 14.00-16.30 and Tue 10.00-12 noon. However, please note that it closes for a Winter break in January and February. See dedicated page on this website for precise dates. The Museum Trust also publish the "Haddenham Chronicles" (Edited by Steve Sharp). Contact Alan or Steve, or visit the museum, to purchase one. Perfect gift for distant relatives or former residents!
Alan Rose
Tune ringing on handbells. Beginners welcome. Meet on Mondays (term time) 20.00 – 21.30 and alternate Monday afternoons 14.00 – 15.30 at 14 Stockwell, Haddenham, HP17 8AX. For further information, contact Jacky Keates 291014 or Alan Rose 291004
Colin McEwen
0118 934 0300
An informal music session takes place at Towersey Village Hall -(previously at the Lion's Den Behind the Red Lion in Haddenham – sadly, that pub is now closed) on the third Wednesday of each month (20.00 – 22.45). Members with a range of instruments including accordions, melodeons, concertinas, guitars, fiddles, brass instruments and recorders play a selection of traditional / folk (mainly English) tunes from printed music. Additional members are welcome. Please contact Linda Dorman or Colin McEwen for details.
Di Kolb
01844 346916
PRMS rehearse and present classical and light operatic concerts using young professionals in the orchestra and as soloists. All voices welcome in the choir. Meet Tue 19.30-21.30 at Princes Risborough School.
Emily Marshall
07969 522368
Sing In The Vale – a community choir for all.
Lively, beautiful and singable songs. No experience needed. Just walking through the door is your audition. Mondays term-time.
7.45pm for 8pm start. Ends 9.30pm.
Cuddington & Dinton Primary School, School Lane, Dinton, HP17 8UZ Reduced rate for half / full termly sign up or £7.00 drop-in. Contact Emily Marshall on 07969 522368 or email:
Sue Griffiths
Under the guidance of Duncan Aspden, its Musical Director since 2007, TCC brings together many of the best singers from Thame and the surrounding area. Members include professional musicians, singing and music teachers, former Cathedral lay clerks and ex-choral scholars from many cities. They blend their voices with others drawn by a passion for excellent choral singing. The Choir's repertoire has included substantial works by Bach, Bernstein, Charpentier, Dvorak, Faure, Handel, Haydn, Kodaly, Liszt, Mozart, Rossini, Schutz and Vivaldi, as well as shorter works by a wide variety of composers from the Renaissance to the twenty-first century. Many concerts take place in St. Mary's, the beautiful fifteenth-century church in the heart of Thame. Others are in surrounding villages, and sometimes further afield. We rehearse every Wednesday evening from 8pm till 10pm in Christchurch, Upper High St, Thame. If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch, initially with Sue Griffiths, for an informal chat.
Adrian Broadway Ukulele
Haddenham Ukulele Musos meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month 7.30-9.30pm at The Cross Keys in East Street Thame OX9 3JS to play popular songs from the last 100 years on the ukulele. The musicians vary from beginners to experienced ukulele players and the tunes vary in level of difficulty. Beginners can just join in the chords they know and leave the rest to the more experienced uke players. The emphasis is on fun and enjoying yourself!
07876 683990
A Haddenham-based choir – singing and raising funds for worthy charitable causes, while having fun and being entertaining. As well as arrangements of modern popular pieces and barbershop, Witchert Choral sing music from the 12th century, tudor sacred and secular music, baroque cantatas, as well as recently composed works. See posters and this website for details of local concerts
Ellen Fenemore (Secretary)
Witchert Warblers are a singing group drawn from the Haddenham Witchert WI. They entertain "with singing, ditties, and getting everyone joining in, in a jolly way" for all types of groups and local events. Monies raised go to charity. Membership is open to any member of the WI. Call Ellen or Linda for more details.
Julian Watson
Snakemoor Nature Reserve covers about 4.5 acres on the edge of the village and offers a variety of changes to the flora and fauna throughout the year. It provides a delightful area for walks. See the Parish Council website for details, and a map to help locate the reserve if you've not yet had the chance to visit.