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Dandara Development Expansion?

by Haddenham Webteam – 16th November 2020
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Dandara, the development company building on the Aston Road / Stanbridge Road site opposite Tiggywinkles, is proposing to increase the number of houses it wishes to build on the site.

The development currently has permission for 280 dwellings. The new planning application proposes to increase the total number to 312 dwellings.

A justification offered by Dandara is that the application "seeks to improve the housing mix from predominantly larger 4 and 5 bedroom units previously approved to a more appropriate mix".

The overall plan now is for 10 two-bed houses and 75 three and four-bed houses to be substituted for the original 15 three-bed houses and 38 four and five-bed houses.

Residents may wish to be reminded that a cricket pitch and a new burial ground are part of the original plans, but these are not scheduled to be delivered by Dandara until the housing development is complete.

Some residents are also dispappointed that the original footpath running across the rear of the gardens of properties on the south side of Willis Road, linking Stanbridge Road to Churchway, is still blocked off on the Dandara site. As this is understood to be a public right of way, concerns have been expressed over Dandara's failure to re-establish the footpath and the likelihood that further delays will be incurred if the development is given permission to expand.

The new Dandara application is to be considered by Haddenham Parish Council next Monday, 23rd November, at 7.30pm.

Members of the public have the right to observe this online 'Zoom' meeting and may be given an opportunity to comment or raise questions, subject to the Chairman's consent.

To observe the meeting, residents will need to ask the Clerk for the necessary online access link and pass code.
Email: clerk@haddenham-bucks-pc.gov.uk

Residents can also post comments on the Bucks Council planning portal, by searching for planning reference 20/03764/APP and then clicking on 'Make a comment'.

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