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Marking Irene's Retirement

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Irene Sisson has been running Ivor Miles garage for almost six years since her husband Ray passed away in 2018.

Most weeks she has been working 60+ hours to maintain the levels of service for which the garage has become renown.

The Haddenham Village Society invited its members to mark Irene's retirement by contributing to a modest collection for a gift. In the event, over £1,000 was raised, reflecting the gratitude and affection in which Irene is held by the Haddenham Community.

On Wednesday evening, 11th September, the Village Society held a social evening during which Irene was presented with a Dartington glass bowl, etched with the words: "Irene, with sincere thanks for your considerable contribution to the Community of Haddenham for so many years"

She was also given a John Lewis gift voucher for £850.

As the HVS Chairman, Keith Milmer, said at the presentation: 

"Irene has maintained a local business of the highest integrity. Anyone taking their vehicle to Ivor Miles for repair or an MOT could be utterly confident that no work would ever be identified that wasn't strictly necessary. 

Quite incredibly, Irene has maintained fuel prices at the pumps that have always competed with those of the largest retailers. 

And buying a vehicle from Ivor Miles has always felt like a very safe and reliable transaction. 

We wish Irene a long, happy and healthy retirement."

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