The 9th annual Haddenham Scarecrow Festival began on Saturday 8th June and is open for three weeks, until 30th June.
Haddenham Scout and Guide Association, which is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this summer, is delighted to confirm that there are well over 80 wonderful and varied displays to look for this year all over the village. There are even a few extras who were too late to be on the official Map but are included on the online list.
A full List of Entrants and Map of locations is available now. The List and Map can be downloaded from this webpage – see PDFs
If you prefer to follow the Trail with a full colour printed map and can't print your own, these are available from all the outlets listed below for a suggested minimum donation of £2. Harpers Estate Agents have generously sponsored the map, as well as entering the Festival themselves.
On Saturday 8th, members of the Scout and Guide Association are selling maps outside Blooming Fruity from 10am to 11.30am and outside Haddenham Garden Centre from 2.30pm to 4pm, so please come along to say hello and pick up your copy. Printed maps will be available while stocks last from: Blooming Fruity, Harpers Estate Agents, Haddenham Garden Centre, Haddenham Library, 70 Stanbridge Road and 7 Dovecote.
Funds raised from the 2024 Festival will be equally divided between two Haddenham charities: ReLEAF tree planting scheme and Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital. Full details of how to donate are on the Map.
Online donations can be made here.
The Scarecrows will be on display every day until the end of Sunday 30th June and photos will be available to view online towards the end of the Festival. In the meantime, posting photos on local social media is discouraged please, to allow folk to see the entries 'for real'!
Everyone will have the opportunity to vote for their three favourites. Festival organiser Francesca Flaxton said:
"The 2024 Scarecrow Festival promises to be better than ever. This is the first year that we're running it for three weeks, so I really encourage people to buy or download the Map, donate to our chosen charities, enjoy the whole Trail then vote for their favourites. Creators of the three most popular Scarecrows will receive Afternoon Tea for Two donated by Haddenham Garden Centre, a pair of tickets to the Visitor Centre donated by Tiggywinkles and a bottle of Bubbly donated by Harpers Estate Agents."
To vote send the numbers and/or display names of your THREE favourites to: or text: 07554 141810.