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Act of Remembrance

by George Marshall – 12th November 2012
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There was standing room only at Churches Together in Haddenham's Service of Remembrance at St Mary's church on Sunday 11th November. The service was led by the Rev. Margot Hodson and Baptist minister, the Rev Carol Murray.

Francesca Flaxton and Rev Murray addressed the theme of 'Turning swords into ploughshares'. The lesson was read by ex serving officer, John Brown, whilst Graham Tyack reminded the congregation of all the operations our forces have been involved in since World War 2.

The parade followed the traditional format of the uniformed guides, brownies, cubs and beavers with their colours being escorted down Churchway from the Scout Hut to the church. Following the act of commitment and the lowering of colours during the National Anthem, the congregation moved outside to the war memorial.

The Act of Remembrance led by the Rev Margot Hodson continued with the exhortation by British Legion member Major George Marshall, followed by the two minutes silence signalled by bugler Bob Ellisdon.

Wreathes were laid by the Royal British Legion, serving officer Andy Fell, (RAF); Margaret Ashton, (County Council); Judy Brandis,(AVDC); John Wheeler, (Parish Council); John Brown, (Haddenham Rotary); Tony Robinson, (Haddenham Lodge of Freemasons); and Joy Button, (WI); followed by the Scouts and Guides with the Brownies, Beavers, Rainbows and younger cubs laying their chaplets.

The collection, which goes to the Legion's Poppy Appeal, raised £384.03.

Photographs of the Act of Remembrance can be viewed on our GALLERIES section

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