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Action Group's Statement

by Haddenham Action Group – 1st July 2015
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We are writing in relation to the forthcoming referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan for Haddenham.

We consider ourselves to be a representative group of residents – some of us have moved to Haddenham over the past few years; some of us were born here. We live across all parts of the village.

We have carefully considered the proposed Plan and the potential for development in Haddenham over the coming years. Our firm conclusion is that it is in the best interests of Haddenham to vote YES in favour of the Plan.

Whilst Haddenham has no Neighbourhood Plan in place it is vulnerable to approaches from developers who have no history with nor love for Haddenham but are simply out to maximise their own financial returns.

You may have seen the flier from Lightwood Strategic. By their own admission, they have a "huge vested interest" in the failure of the Plan. Its failure will pave the way for their proposed development- a development that will see them make vast profits and then move on to the next one. They have no connection with the village and their intervention is 100% self-serving.

It is our view the Neighbourhood Plan provides some kind of objective framework within which any proposed development must be considered. Without this kind of protection, in our view the future of Haddenham as a great place to live is severely under threat.

We have no vested interest in a particular site or sites. We would prefer there to be no development at all, but reluctantly accept that this is not an option in the current climate.

Email: haddenhamactiongroup@gmail.com

Diary Note:

Come along and hear a mature, rational and evidence based conversation about the Neighbourhood Plan to help you decide whether to vote YES or NO in the local referendum. The meeting will take place in Haddenham Community Junior School on Tuesday 7th July, beginning at 7.30pm. All Haddenham residents are welcome.

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