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Allotments Sold for Development!

by Allotment Ali – 23rd July 2013
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Well, that got your attention ... sorry for the little fib! Fear not, the allotments are safe (Editor).

Boring News from the Allotments
Update on borehole. We got a grant from AVDC Community Chest to have a survey of the allotments done by the British Geological Survey. This has now been done (anyone interested in seeing a copy, please contact the secretary). The next step is to get quotes and bid for a grant for the drilling and pump. We are looking into powering the pump from solar pv panels. Hopefully this will help resolve some of the water problems long-term.

Ongoing problems with water. We are still waiting for the plumber to come and mend the pipes so we can reconnect the water to the trough at the far end of the allotments. In the meantime, someone left the tap near this trough open! This means, given also the leak in the winter and watering during the very dry weather, there will have to be a water supplement charged when the rents come due at the end of September.

What a load of sh..
I am proposing to have a large delivery of manure in the Autumn. The idea is that allotment holders can purchase a smaller quantity rather than each having to buy a whole load. I am proposing a price of £5 per person for whatever they need. Could anyone interested contact the secretary so that we have some idea of how much to buy.

Produce table
Some of you may have noticed a table on the first, left-hand car park. This is for people to leave excess plants or produce, and for anyone who can use them to take from there.

A bench in memory of Mick Timberlake, a long-term allotment holder, has been donated by his family and installed under the trees near the first right-hand car-park. It is looking very fine. Thank you to the Timberlake family.

Some of the trees in the centre of the allotments will be removed in the Autumn. We are contacting Civic Trees to see if they can use them as they have the equipment to dig them up and take them away. Other trees will be cut back so they do not impact on neighbouring allotments.

No Smoking Please
There have been complaints from people neighbouring the allotments about bonfires. Could anyone having one please give consideration to our neighbours – avoid them when windows are likely to open or washing hanging out.

Work done
The fences round the allotments have been mended and the hedge cut. The hedges will need laying at some point, but this will need funding. Anyone interested in bidding for a grant or who knows how to layer hedges and is prepared to give the time, please contact the secretary. Please could people in the meantime avoid dumping material in or over the hedges.

Alison Watt
Secretary to Haddenham Allotments
Email: haddenhamallotments@hotmail.com or Telephone: 01844 292544

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