Are you keen to know what Haddenham Parish Council has achieved over the past year?
Are you interested to learn how we have tackled planning issues, highways issues, our local environment and other areas under our terms of reference?
Then why not come along to the Parish Council Annual Meeting on Friday evening 10th May, when we will be displaying 'Story Boards' and describing our efforts on your behalf over the last 12 months. Proceedings take place in the Village Hall, beginning at 7.30pm
In the meantime, here are a few facts* about the role and responsibilities of Parish Councils
* Source
Parish councils and meetings
In all parishes with a population of 300 or more, a parish council had to be elected. In parishes with more than 100 but less than 300 population, the parish meeting could request the county council to make an order to establish a parish council.
The membership of a parish council varied from 5 to 15 members, the number being fixed by order of the county council. The entire council was elected annually on 15 April. To be eligible for election to the council, a person was required to be resident within the parish, or within three miles of it, for at least twelve months prior to the election. The entire council was elected annually. The parish council elected at a chairman at its annual meeting.
Powers and duties
The parish councils were given the following powers and duties: