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Aperitif Recitals

by Arts Correspondent – 11th October 2018
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peter shepherdorganist

In 2011 a series of twice yearly organ recitals was inaugurated at St Mary's Church Haddenham and the next in this popular series of Aperitif Recitals is on Thursday 18th October at 7pm.

Lasting no more than forty minutes, the recitals have featured some of the most talented young organists on the cusp of their careers. Players from America, Canada and Australia have performed at St Mary's as well as those from Westminster Abbey, St Paul's Cathedral, and St Thomas Church 5th Avenue New York.

The audience, which averages at a little over one hundred, enjoys wine and canapés whilst listening and watching the artist, whose image is also relayed onto screens in the nave so that all may see clearly. Admission is free although donations towards expenses are gratefully received when leaving.

On Thursday 18th October Aperitif Recitals welcomes twenty three year old Peter Shepherd from Scotland who was organ scholar at Merton College Oxford and is currently the director of music at St Bride's Collegiate Church in Glasgow. He will play a forty minute programme of Bach, Parry, Handel, Vierne, Howells and Durufle

Should you not have been before then do give this short concert a try – if people keep coming back for more that surely must indicate something positive!

If you would like to attend then simply email Aperitif Recitals and let the organisers know: aperitifrecitals@haddenhamstmarys.org

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