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Aperitif Recitals

by Haddenham Arts Correspondent – 1st May 2017
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marko sever organist

Another concert in the Aperitif Recitals series takes place at St Mary's Church, Haddenham on Monday 8th May, commencing at 7.00pm.

The twenty four year old Australian organist Marko Sever will play a forty minute programme of music by Bach, Franck, Mulet, Demessieux, Vierne and Widor. This concert will be the thirteenth in a series of organ recitals that were started in May 2011 and have since proved to be most popular.

The audience enjoys wine and canapés whilst viewing, as well as listening to, the recitalist on screens within the church. The concert is over by 7:40pm.

Admission is free although patrons are invited to make a donation towards expenses when leaving the church.

Give it a go! This concert format is different, relaxed and, above all, enjoyable.

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