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Aperitif Recitals

by Haddenham Webteam – 28th September 2017
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scott brothers duo 01

Aperitif Recitals is presenting a Celebrity Concert – The Scott Brothers Duo, on Wednesday 11th October at 6:45pm in St Mary's Church Haddenham.

The duet team Jonathan Scott (organ) and Tom Scott (piano) will have just returned from giving concerts in Germany whilst, earlier in August, the brothers played to a capacity audience in the National Concert Hall in Taiwan.

Closer to home, a recent review in the Manchester Evening News read: "I don't think I've ever met two people so talented as the Scott Brothers ..." 

Their Aperitif recital will include The Magic Flute Overture by Mozart, Richard Adinsell's Warsaw Concerto and Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No 2 as well as Jonathan's own composition Fantasy Toccata for organ – see and listen to a preview here.

Admission to this sixty minute concert is free although donations are gratefully received on leaving. Wine and camapés are enjoyed during the recital which is also video screened so that all may see.

There are only a very limited number of seats still available so if you wish to attend you must please email: aperitifrecitals@haddenhamstmarys.org as soon as possible in order to avoid disappointment

For further information on the Scott Brothers see their website.

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