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Ascension Day 2016

by Amanda Pink – 9th May 2016
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Amanda Pink, Minister in training at Haddenham-cum-Dinton Baptist Church, writes:

Ascension Day – when Christians remember and celebrate the taking of Jesus up into Heaven after his resurrection – occurred last week, on Thursday 5th May.

To mark the occasion, on Friday 6th May, an all-age service and activities were delivered by and held at Haddenham-cum-Dinton Baptist Church and were supported by Churches Together in Haddenham.

Over 40 people, from pre-schoolers to those in their more mature years – and many in between the two – came together to share celebratory a meal of hotdogs and chips, a short energetic service, and a variety of craft and reflective activities on the theme of "I am with you", which were some of Jesus' last words to his disciples before he was taken up to Heaven.

Featured in the images are the results of our activities at the service:

Image 1: A prayer activity: pipe cleaner people, representing people in difficulty that individuals wanted to pray for, then placing them around the cross.

Image 2: A graffiti board, onto which people were asked to write down things they do every week/every day, as a reminder that God is with us as we do all of these things.

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