AVDC's Strategic Management Committee will be meeting on Wednesday 14th October. Among the agenda items for this meeting, the committee will consider the planning application relating to the Aston Road/Glebe land opposite Tiggywinkles.
In a letter dated Tuesday 6th October, sent to all individuals who had formally commented on this planning application, AVDC had this to say:
Land At Haddenham Glebe Stanbridge Road Haddenham Buckinghamshire:
Outline planning application for the construction of 280 dwellings, including 35 age-restricted dwellings, with associated garages, parking, estate roads, footways, pedestrian linkages, public open space, burial ground, community sports facility, strategic landscaping, drainage and other associated works.
You will be aware that the application in which you are interested has been previously considered by the Committee, and that a decision was deferred. At that meeting an opportunity was provided for interested parties to address the Committee.
The purpose of this letter is to advise you that a further report relating to this application will
be considered at the next meeting of the Committee, to be held on the 14th October 2015
The Council have decided that an opportunity for the public to address the Committee will
only be offered once in relation to a specific application, and as a result there will be no
chance, on this occasion, for the public to speak; the only persons entitled to speak will be
Members of the Council, both those who are Members of the Committee and those who are
To view the agenda, go to our website: www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/agenda
We regret we cannot say what time the committee will reach a particular agenda item as some items take longer, or shorter, than envisaged depending on the discussion on the day. The agenda gives the earliest time that each section on the agenda will begin.
To view the application, go to our website:
Scroll down and click on 'I accept' the terms and conditions, then type in the
relevant application number (14/02666/AOP) in the search box on the next page.
The meeting normally starts at 1.00pm and is held in The Oculus, AVDC, The Gateway,
Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.
For a location map, click here.
Free visitor parking is available.