The web team at Aylesbury Vale District Council is very pleased to announce that it will be launching its new website during the first week in August 2015.
This follows an extensive development project, working with AVDC customers to ensure that the new website is easy to use, attractive and functional and offers a reliable search facility.
The new website is in plain English and with clear navigation, making it easier for visitors to find what they are looking for within a few clicks. It's available 24/7 on any device – mobile, tablet or desktop – and there is no need to wait for when the AVDC offices are 'open', of course.
At the same time the web team will be introducing a much improved Council & Democracy area, which visitors can use to see the latest agendas and minutes for any AVDC Committees and get alerts when new information is published.
This is the first step in a phased plan of improvements. In the near future the web team will add enhanced online self-service transactions, including a personalised 'My Account' which will show all individual visitor's transactions and contact with the council – both for residents and business customers.
For AVDC, this will mean a big channel shift to online contact rather than the traditional telephone and face-to-face communication that residents may have used previously (although this will still be available for residents who are unable to contact AVDC online). With much less government funding available to local authorities, this will enable the Council to make savings and so continue to deliver vital services to residents.
How will this affect you?
The website address will remain the same at: but please be aware that saved links to pages deeper in AVDC's current website may no longer work.
Need help?
If you need any help with or have questions about the new website please email: