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Barking Up Wrong Tree?

by Haddenham Webteam – 13th September 2014
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puzzled dog

Haddenham Parish Council recently passed new Dog Control orders that have proven to be a little unpopular with local dog lovers!

If the new orders were only supported by a minority of Haddenham residents, perhaps it was a case of the tail wagging the dog?

Or maybe our local councillors were simply barking up the wrong tree?

Either way, an extraordinary meeting of Haddenham Parish Council will be held in the Walter Rose Room on Monday 15th September, beginning at 7.30pm.

The purpose of the meeting will be to consider the special resolution to rescind the decision made under PC15/34(ii) to make Dog Control Orders.

Also, dependent on the outcome of this first matter, the Parish Council will go on to consider the proposal to make an additional Dog Control Order to prevent Dog Fouling on land covered by the 'No Dogs' and 'Dogs on Leads' Orders.

As always, members of the public are entitled to observe the meeting. It is very much hoped that, despite the obvious passions and concerns felt, all attendees will behave in a polite and respectful manner throughout.

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