Calling all local motorcyclists: workshops are planned to assist you in improving your riding skills
'Be a Better Biker' workshops allow riders to take their skills to a level that helps improve safety and enjoyment.
About the workshops
They are designed to give motorcyclists an introduction to advanced riding. The day covers the principles of advanced riding including:
At the end of the session each candidate will receive a copy of the book "How to Be a Better Rider" published by IAM Roadsmart.
Upcoming dates:
Saturday 19th March – Winslow Public Hall
Saturday 23rd April – Bradmoor Farm, Haddenham
Saturday 21st May – Bradmoor Farm, Haddenham
Saturday 25th June – Bradmoor Farm, Haddenham
There are 12 places available per workshop; start time 10.00am and the course finishes around 2.00pm.
Booking a place is via the Eventbright website
Attendees are asked to ensure they have a full tank of fuel, or at least 100 miles worth of fuel, and to bring their own lunch, although organisers will provide tea and coffee.
Be a Better Biker is delivered by:
Thames Vale Advanced Motorcyclists (TVAM)
Buckinghamshire Advanced Riders and Drivers (BARDS)
Milton Keynes Advanced Motorcyclists (MKAM)
and supported by Local Councils, Local Fire & Rescue Services and Thames Valley Police.
If you wish to cancel your place then we require 48 hours notice for a refund , minus Eventbrite's fee