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Beavers Back in Action!

by Haddenham Webteam – 9th February 2022
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After a six-year break, Beaver Scouts (boys and girls aged 6 to 8) are back in Haddenham.

Last Wednesday three new adult volunteers were invested by Clare Clarke, lead volunteer for Chiltern Vale District. Clare said, "I wanted to see Beavers back in Haddenham so we decided to try and get some volunteers to step forward and know what the training and commitments were.

Four people came forward and this has led us to re-starting the Beaver Colony." Not only were three volunteers invested, but eleven Beavers were then invested by the new volunteers.

The Colony re-started in early January and some of the activities they have been involved with include working towards their builder badge, finding out about Scouting and learning their Beaver promise. Activities in the programme for the next few months include science, gardening and sowing seeds and the Animal Carer badge.

They are also looking to hold a sleepover.

New volunteer, Anna Leach said, "When I was a Brownie I was very impressed with one of the Young Leaders and that impression has stayed with me. I moved to the area last year and thought that being involved would help me get to know people. In the short time I've been involved in Beavers I've got to know all of the children and also their parents/carers and other volunteers involved with the Group. I want the children to have a great time."

Iona, 7 said, "It's great fun being involved in Beavers. I've made new friends. Last week I built a clown fish and this week we made a Tiger Mask as part of the Chinese New Year celebrations. We also had some prawn crackers. My favourite game is "jump the Beaver."

For further information about joining Haddenham Scout Group please contact dc@chilternvalescouts.org.uk

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