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Beer Folk Seeking Volunteers

by Haddenham Webteam – 26th October 2016
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With Winterfest 2016 looming into view (Saturday 10th December), Pete Harris extends a plea to Haddenham residents, seeking volunteers to help prepare and deliver the best beer festival on the planet!

As the nights lengthen and the temperature drops, Christmas is just around the corner which means that it will also soon be time for the Haddenham Winterfest. We are therefore seeking the support of local volunteers.

Firstly a belated thank you to all who supported the Summerfest, which was a huge success. The weather did dissuade some, but still over 3500 people attended and the net profit was over £29,500. More importantly, the day went smoothly and everyone had a great time. Great Beer, Good Company, good music and despite all the hard work, an excellent day for all.

We have identified some improvements for next year, in part to ease the burden on our loyal volunteers who are so key to making it all a success, but more of that in the spring. If you have your own observations or suggestions then they would be welcome; we will take note and incorporate them wherever possible.

The Winterfest will be of a very similar format to last year, in the at the Village Hall/Banks Park complex Saturday 10th December, and will run Midday to 5.00pm. Because of the shorter duration of the event and its smaller scale, volunteer shifts will be for a 2-hour period (unless you want to do more!).

We are now about to start the detailed planning, and we would really value volunteer support. Please respond by email to this plea with your intentions and preferences. I'd also like to hear from previous volunteers if they are unable to support this year, so I know not to bother you again (until spring!). Please email me at: prjj.harris@talktalk.net

Serving beer on an early shift is likely to be a preference to some, but we do need others on the entrance, mulled wine and cocktails, and we do need to keep serving beer until 5.00pm – and someone has to do it!

We also need to set up in the week beforehand, most specifically on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th December, from 10.00am until 4.00pm, and also to tidy up on the Sunday morning.

I will do my best to meet everyone's preferences in terms of how they can assist, and any offers will be gratefully accepted!

As ever, if you need more information or wish to discuss any matter, then please call me on my mobile.

Pete Harris
07801 962040

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