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Big Band Swing!

by Haddenham Webteam – 27th October 2016
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Lovers of live big band music will be delighted to know that Lee Buckingham and his band will be returning to Haddenham on Friday 11th November.

An evening of entertainment presented by Haddenham Masonic Lodge brings the annual charity concert with local 18 piece big band playing music from the big band era, raising money for local charities.

Some of the charities chosen this year by the current master include:

* Florence Nightingale Hospice
* The Pace Centre
* MS Centre
* Haddenham Youth Theatre
* Haddenham Age Concern (HADAC)
* Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

Tickets are still just £10 and can be purchased directly from Lee Buckingham
or Tel: 07977 138044
or Email: tickets@bigbandswing.net

There will be a limited number of tickets available on the door.

Monies raised from this event will go into the collective charity funds of the Lodge to distribute to the charities listed above.

Licenced Bar only. Bring Table Nibbles.

Doors open at 7:30pm, Big Band from 8:15pm.

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