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Bike Ride for Greenway to Thame

by Haddenham Webteam – 11th June 2024
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Family Bike Ride for the Haddenham-Thame Greenway

A fun, family-friendly bike ride around Haddenham is taking place on Sunday, 30th June.

It's suitable for all ages, starting and finishing from the Airfield Pavilion. The 5.5 km route will follow shared-use paths and quieter roads around the village, with a stopping point after 2 km at Church End Green where younger riders can finish if necessary. There will be stationary marshals around the route and cycling marshals at the front, back and sides to keep everyone safe, although everyone takes part at their own risk. Under 18s must be accompanied by parent or carer who will be responsible for their safety.

On Sunday, 30th June, please arrive by 2.30 pm for a 3.00pm start. Please come in good time, as we need to register all participants. Even better, email us your names beforehand at haddswac@gmail.com. We should be back at the Pavilion by 4.00 pm, when refreshments will be served.

We will start and finish at the Airfield Pavilion, Tibbs Road, HP17 8FH. This is the new sports pavilion on the football fields behind the Coop, not far from the station.

What's the Aim? As well having fun, the aim is to send a strong message to those responsible that we urgently need the Haddenham-Thame Greenway. This will provide a safe route between Haddenham and Thame for walkers, wheelers, cyclists and horse riders. Both Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire county councils are actively working on the project, and we support their efforts, but we need to show them the strength and depth of local support, and urge them to move faster.


Who is it for?
Anyone who can ride a bike! We will ride as a group and make sure no one gets left behind, so the pace will be nice and slow. We will also stop for a photo opportunity at Church End Green after about 2km, so anyone who needs can finish there, and make their way back to the pavilion under their own steam to join up with us for refreshments afterwards. Those who can't ride are also very welcome to join us for refreshments.

What about scooters and other forms of transport?
This will be a bike ride mainly on the road, so scooters are not suitable, unfortunately. Please get in touch via haddswac@gmail.com if you have questions about other forms of transport.

Do I need to register?
It would be incredibly helpful if you could register in advance by emailing haddswac@gmail.com although we can sign you up on the day at our registration desk. All participants will need to be registered in order to take part.

Do I need any equipment?
Please wear a helmet, and don't forget sunscreen and a water bottle if it's going to be hot.

Do young people need to be accompanied?
Yes please. Under 18s must be accompanied by a parent or carer, who will need to give consent for them to take part. Although we have chosen a quiet route and there will be plenty of marshals, adults are responsible for the safety of the young people riding with them.

What do I need to do to take part?
Make sure your bike is in good working order beforehand. You don't need a fancy bike but it does need to be safe.

Can you help me with my bike?
Our local bike mechanic, Nathan from Phoenix Cycles, will be running a 'Dr Bike' clinic on the day from 1.30 pm if you'd like to get your brakes checked.

How can I get there?
We hope Haddenham residents will come by bike. For those coming from further afield, the lack of a safe route probably means you will have to drive – for the most accurate directions, Google "Haddenham Airfield Pavilion". The pavilion has its own car park, but please share lifts if you can. For those with a rail option, Haddenham and Thame Parkway station is very close.

Will you be taking photographs?
Yes, we would like to keep a record of the event, and photographs will be extremely useful in helping us to publicise the cause. However, we understand that not everyone will want to be photographed, so please let us know and we will respect your wishes.

Are there any safety instructions?
The ride leader will always be at the front, and no-one should overtake them. Please keep to the left-hand side when we're on the road and ride sensibly. Also pay attention to any instructions from the marshals, who will be clearly identified. There will be a safety briefing at the start of the ride as well.

Will it go ahead in bad weather?
Yes, unless conditions are dangerous, we will still go ahead in the rain. In the unlikely event we do have to cancel, those who have registered by email will be informed by 1 pm.

Will you be charging for refreshments?
No, but donations for the cause will be welcome. You're welcome to stay on afterward to enjoy the children's playground or a picnic.

How can I help?
By taking part! But if you would like to join the marshalling team, donate a cake, etc, please get in touch.

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