Haddenham GPs moved out of the old Health Centre on Banks Park several years ago, when the new Medical Centre was opened on the eastern edge of the village.
The building then spent a short period hosting a gym. Sadly, this was not a commercial success and so the building was closed and boarded up.
Since that time, the old Health Centre has remained un-used and un-loved, slowly deteriorating into the sad and sorry state that it now displays to the world. Not a pretty sight, especially given its prominent position at a major crossroads in the village.
So, what's to be done about this?
The Parish Council is very keen to explore the views and opinions of local residents, and has created a simple online questionnaire to hear what you think.
Please do complete the online survey. It's short and sweet, and will provide very helpful information for those looking at options.
The deadline for this survey is imminent – it closes at 12 noon on Sunday 1st December – so please go to the link straight away, and invite as many of your neighbours as possible to do likewise. Your opinion matters.
Here's the link