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Book Launch at Community Library

by Haddenham Webteam – 29th September 2015
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margaret watkins 01margaret reads her storiespic 2 joining in the action

Haddenham Community Library played host on Saturday 26th September to the launch of 'Lost and Found', a book of short stories written by Haddenham resident Margaret Watkins. (See previous news items on Haddenham.net.)

The book is Margaret's debut as a writer for children, although she has written plays and articles in the past for Haddenham Players and Haddenham Museum, notably the play presented in November 2014 to commemorate the start of WWI.

On Saturday Margaret drew on her past experience as an English and drama teacher, reading two of the six short stories from the book to two lively groups of children during the morning. The children joined in by acting out parts of the stories most enthusiastically.

Margaret then signed books for those who bought 'Lost and Found' for £8.99 a copy.

Margaret's next readings will be in October for pupils from local primary schools. After that Margaret will be hoping to sell her books as stocking fillers for Christmas. She may be contacted on 01844 291275.

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