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Bucks Herald: Haddenham Report

by Christina Jeffery – 6th December 2017
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It appears that there was a technical glitch to the Bucks Herald this week and, as a result, the weekly input from our local village correspondent, Christina Jeffery, did not appear in print. Although there may be something of a disconnect between those who choose to read a local newspaper and those who prefer to gain their local news online, we are reproducing Christina's column here.

Christina Jeffery's Haddenham Column, 6th December 2017

Road Closure

A reminder that Station Road is closed between Townside and Flint St, for the replacement of water pipes, until Friday, December 22.

Coffee morning
The Christian Aid committee has announced that they raised £652 at their coffee morning with stalls on November 25. They thank all who supported the event, including the St Mary's School choir The Treble Clefs which entertained shoppers and coffee drinkers with songs and actions.

Junior school
Haddenham Community Junior School is grateful for recent donations. The Haddenham Beer Festivals Trust, which held its Summerfest in the school grounds, has given funds to buy tables and chairs where the pupils with packed lunches can eat – instead of sitting on the carpet or on benches.

The Vibe Acoustic Café has donated a set of African style drums, paid for with a surplus from raffles which were held in their early days to fund running costs. The drums were presented on behalf of The Vibe by Brian Fattorini at a special school assembly last month.

Also at that assembly, it was announced that villager Caroline Cooper, who set up the new Haddenham company Confident Kids in 2016, had become the sponsor of the girls' football team and the Year 6 team now have a brand-new kit with the sponsor's company name on the front and back.

The focus of Confident Kids is in helping to improve children's confidence, resilience and their ability to deflect bullies. Working mainly with children of primary age, Caroline helps them to become more self-aware, more accepting of difference and failure, and able to say 'No' more easily. At the presentation Caroline said "The girls football team embraces many of the values that Confident Kids embodies: equality, resilience, stamina and continuous effort – so it's a pleasure to support them and the school."

Art and craft competition
The Arts Society, formerly NADFAS, is celebrating its Golden Jubilee in 2018, and two adjoining areas of the society, Chiltern Hills and Wyvern, which cover Buckinghamshire and parts of Oxfordshire, are promoting this by organising an ArtsFest competition for children and young people in this area, through the auspices of their Young Arts volunteers.

The competition title is 'My Golden Moment' and the judges are looking for a painting, a model, a sculpture, a memory of a Golden Moment. It can be interpreted in any way you wish and in any medium; for example drawing, painting, clay, knitting, photography, needlework, tapestry, collage. The best entries will not only receive a prize for themselves and any organisation they are linked to, but will also be displayed in the Bucks County Museum in Aylesbury in the spring of 2018..

The competition is open to age groups 5-10 years, 11-16 years and 17-25 years. The closing date is January 26 and photographs of entries can be submitted on a memory stick via Haddenham Community Library, where you can also obtain fuller details of the competition. See also the website www.buckscountymuseum.org.uk under What's On – Exhibitions.

Diary Dates

Patient participation:
The next meeting of the Haddenham Medical Centre PPG is today, Wednesday, at 7pm. Patients registered with the Haddenham Practice are very welcome to attend.

Hearing loss:
The charity Action on Hearing Loss is holding a drop-in information session on behalf of Bucks Sensory Service at Haddenham Medical Centre tomorrow, Thursday, from 10am-12noon.

Tree festival:
More than 40 trees, creatively decorated by local clubs and organisations, will be on show at this year's Community Christmas Tree Festival, which takes place at St Mary's Church from this Friday until Sunday. It will be open on Friday from 10am-6pm, Saturday from 11am-6pm and Sunday from 12.30-5pm. There will be some musical entertainment during the festival: the Witchert Chorale sings at 11am on Saturday, the ukulele band plays at 3.30pm on Saturday, Haddenham Handbell Ringers perform at 2 or 2.15pm on Sunday, and are followed at 3pm by Haddenham Recorder Consort. Tea, coffee, cake and other refreshments will be on sale. Entrance is free but visitors are encouraged to make donations to FOSM (Friends of St Mary's) and Haddenham Community Library.

Village carols:
The annual Churches Together in Haddenham village carol service takes place in the Village Hall this Friday, starting at 7pm. It will be led this year by members of St Mary's Church and the children's choir will come from the Community Infant School.

Haddenham Beer Festivals Trust holds its annual Winterfest at Banks Park, HP17 8EE, this Saturday, from 12noon-6pm. The Winterfest is not only a Real Ale Festival, with 40 or so different ales to try, but also a Christmas Party, with hot and cold food on offer. In keeping with all good festivals at this time of the year there will be plenty of mulled wine plus the famous Gin Fusion Bar.

The Winterfest is always a wonderful community event. There's live music: Georgie Bird at 12.15pm, Simon and Kate at 1.20pm, The Vibe at 2.30pm, Bitteroot at 3.45pm and The Band with No Name at 5pm. There will also be a number of performances by the Haddenham Mummers. Once again all money raised goes towards the trust's efforts in supporting good causes in the village and the surrounding area.

Tickets (£10) are on sale at all the Haddenham pubs, also at Blooming Fruity, Tickety Brew, Haddenham Garden Centre, Egg House Butchery, Seven Stars in Dinton, Hop Pole in Aylesbury, and Cross Keys in Thame; or online at www.winterfest.org.uk, where there are special offers.

Arts and crafts:
Sally Evans' Artists and Makers Fair is back at Bradmoor Farm, Stanbridge Rd, HP17 8JX, this Saturday and Sunday, from 10am-4pm on both days. Among the 45 artists and makers are a weaver giving demonstrations on her loom, potters, painters, mixed media artists, and more. It offers a chance to buy beautiful work direct from the designer or artisan.

Entry is free and there's plenty of car parking space, as well as good access for wheelchairs and pushchairs.

St Mary's Church:
There will be a contemporary carol service with the St Mary's Church '100% Worship Band', this Sunday at 6.30pm, to celebrate the end of the Christmas Tree Festival. A traditional service of lessons and carols by candlelight will be held on December 17 at 6.30pm.

Carers Group:
Haddenham Carers Support Group will not be meeting at Haddenham Medical Centre this month as members will be going out for a Christmas lunch.

Monday Club:
There's no meeting on December 11. The next meeting is on December 18.

Haddenham U3A's regular monthly Monday and Thursday general meetings are combined again this year for a single special Christmas celebration in the Village Hall, on Monday, December 11, at 2pm for 2.15pm (note earlier time). It takes the form of a fun afternoon of entertainment showcasing the many skills and talents of Haddenham U3A members. There will be free festive refreshments and a raffle.

Tea with Santa:
The Rotary Club of Haddenham and District is holding Tea with Santa special events for children and their parents and/or grandparents on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 12 and 13, at 4.30pm. Meet Santa in the café at Haddenham Garden Centre, Stanbridge Rd, HP17 8HN. Tickets for this, and for visits to Santa's Grotto – every weekend until December 17 – are on sale at the Garden Centre's checkout desks. All money raised by Santa goes to local charities and projects supported by Rotary.

Haddenham Screen:
On Tuesday, December 12, the costume drama 'The Beguiled' (15) will be shown. Sofia Coppola won the director's prize at Cannes for this hugely enjoyable melodrama that more or less allows bodices to remain unripped until an uproarious third act. A handsome, badly wounded Union soldier is stranded alone in enemy terrain during the American Civil War and throws himself on the mercy of a ladies' seminary. These southern belles, until now starved of male company, collectively experience a sexual nervous breakdown. 'The Beguiled' is a tremendously watchable movie, with its teasing flecks of black comedy.

Doors open at 7.30 for the 8pm screening at Haddenham Youth and Community Centre, Woodways. Tickets in advance £5 (£4 for 16s and under) from the box office at Haddenham Community Library, or visit www.haddenhamscreen.org.uk to book online. Or take your chance on the door.

Simply Walk:
Next Wednesday's walk (Dec 13) is a Haddenham one which leaves the Banks Park car park at 10.30am.

Sixty Plus Club:
The club has its Christmas party next Wednesday, starting at 2pm at the Youth and Community Centre, Woodways.

Looking ahead:
There will be no village columns for three weeks over Christmas and the New Year, and the last ones for this year will be in next Wednesday's Bucks Herald, December 13. If you have any events taking place before the columns reappear on Wednesday, January 10, which you would like to have publicised next week, please let me have details by this Friday.

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