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Bucks Waste Disposal Permits

by Bucks County Council – 24th October 2016
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Bucks County Council has announced changes to the way household waste permits are provided to residents who need them.

The County Council has, for many years, operated a permit system at the county's Household Recycling Centres. However, permits (which are free to Bucks residents) have always been needed by specific groups of people using the centres – namely, those in the following groups:

  • anyone visiting the centre in a van or other commercial vehicle
  • anyone towing a twin-axle or larger single-axle trailer
  • anyone wishing to dispose of asbestos
  • anyone arriving at the centre on foot

So, for anyone visiting the Recycling Centre with general waste or recycling in a car (including 4x4s and MPVs), nothing will change – i.e., they will not need a waste permit. Such individuals make up the vast majority of visitors.

But for those who do need a permit, the process for obtaining it has changed.

Previously, permits were ordered by the resident either online or on the phone, and then the Council would send the permit(s) in the post. The process has now changed and become fully digital, making it faster, more convenient for residents, and more cost-efficient for the Council.

Under the new system, a resident applies for the permit online at the County Council website, and the permit is available instantly along with a digital QR code – similar to a barcode. The QR code can then be presented at the Household Recycling Centre, either directly on a smartphone or tablet, or as a print-out from a home computer. The QR code can be read by the devices carried by Recycling Centre staff, giving them the information they need to let the person go ahead with their visit.

Although this new system has many advantages, the Council does accept that there may be some individuals who need a waste permit who do not have access to a smartphone or home computer. In these instances, the person should visit their local library, where a member of staff will be happy to help them through the online permit application and then print out the permit for them on the spot. Alternatively, the person may prefer to ask a friend or family member to help them through the process.

To find out more, or to apply for a permit, please go to the Bucks website

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