Regular users of local bus services will notice that the recently installed bus shelter on the South side of Wood Ways (the infant school side of the road) has acquired a new concrete floor.
This results from the efforts of Parish Councillor, John Wheeler, and local maintenance man, Jim Ayers, who prepared the ground, shifted about a ton of hardcore and then poured and crafted the concrete floor – all on one of the hottest days of the year!
Aficionados of such concrete craftsmanship will note that the new floor has a rather elegant roll-off towards the entrance. This is to help shed water that would otherwise tend to accumulate inside the shelter, due to splashes from passing vehicles as they drop into water-filled pot holes in the road nearby.
The Parish Council commissioned the work at a total cost of £100. Thanks to John and Jim's efforts, this compares very favourably with the quote from contractors, which came in at £900.