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Calling All Patients!

by Keith Milmer – 7th June 2013
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Dialogue with Patients

Haddenham Medical Centre has a new Practice Manager: Ellen Solley. Like Dr Howcutt and other staff at the Practice, she is very keen to maintain a regular dialogue with patients, and in particular, to help to build up the role of the Patient Participation Group.

Many residents of the village will recall the "Haddenham Health Supporters' Group" which flourished for many years when the Practice was located at its former home in Banks Park, next to the Library. While there have been various patient meetings and feedback surveys in more recent times, Ellen is keen to re-establish an active and participative group that represents a potentially wider profile of patients.

One of the main challenges is to include younger adults and especially parents with school age children, as they are rarely able to attend daytime meetings and will be very busy with family responsibilities in the evenings. Nevertheless, it is hoped that some members of this particular demographic may be able to join the Patient Participation Group.

The next meeting of the new Patient Participation Group will be held at the Medical Centre on Thursday 27th June, from 7.30 – 9.00pm

Everyone interested in the opportunity to contribute to a dialogue with the Practice, and to offer positive suggestions for how local GP services might be organised differently is welcome to attend. Please can you let us know if you will be attending, so that we can select the most suitable meeting room. Thank you.

It would help to set the agenda for the evening if those patients with particular issues they want raised could email them in advance. Please send a short description of the subject area you would like discussed to: haddenham.medicalcentre@nhs.net

If you know of neighbours or friends who are patients of the Practice, but do not have access to the internet, then please mention that their suggestions are also very welcome – on a written note addressed to Ellen Solley, delivered to the Reception, or posted in good time please, to:

Ellen Solley
Practice Manager
Stanbridge Road
HP17 8JX

The meeting agenda will be shaped by the most commonly raised issues.

Chairperson (and Vice Chairperson) for the PPG

To help Medical Centre Staff to participate fully in the discussions during meetings of the Patient Participation Group, rather than having to focus on chairing the meeting, Ellen is looking for a possible Chairperson from among the patient group. If you feel that you have the right skills to chair meetings of the PPG, and can help to facilitate positive dialogue between the Practice and the widest possible group of patients between meetings, please get in touch. You can find additional information by downloading the PDF document shown below the image on this page.

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