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Choral Society Update

by David Francis – 6th January 2016
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Following their successful Christmas concert in which the main work was the opening three parts of Bach's Christmas Oratorio, Thame Choral Society is moving forward in time for their next concert from the Baroque to the Classical and Romantic periods with performances of Beethoven's Mass in C Major and Mendelssohn's anthem Hear My Prayer, which includes the well-known soprano aria O for the Wings of a Dove.

Also included in the programme is a performance of one of Mozart's concertos for piano and orchestra.

Rehearsals for the concert, which takes places at St Mary's Church in Thame, is on 7th May, are held every Wednesday evening from 7.30pm until 9.30pm at the Methodist Church, High Street, Haddenham starting on 6th January.

Thame Choral Society, founded in 1960, is a friendly, non-audition group of singers who enjoy the social and musical delights of making beautiful music together. Singers of all ranges are always welcome at our rehearsals and the ability to sight-read music is not a requirement.

As Director and professional singer Helen Swift says, "Singing should be fun!" and in leading us to explore the musical repertoire and develop latent singing abilities, she makes certain that it is!
"Come along to one of our rehearsals: you'll be glad you did."

For more information, see the website or Email: thamechoralsociety@hotmail.co.uk.

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