Trustees needed for change of charitable status at Chearsley & Haddenham Under Fives (CHUF)
Chearsley & Haddenham Under Fives (CHUF) is an Ofsted registered Pre-school operating in both Haddenham and Chearsley villages. CHUF has over 50 years of experience in providing a fantastic Early Years education, within a stimulating, safe and caring environment for 2 to 5 year olds (Chearsley CHUF was established in 1968 and the Haddenham setting followed in 2003).
CHUF is now in the process of establishing a new charity status, which will continue to aspire to enhance the education and development of children and young people in the community through the provision of high-quality childcare. Until now CHUF has been run as an unincorporated charitable organisation, but is now changing to Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) status.
The CIO structure allows charities the limited liability of a company combined with the flexibility of an unincorporated charity, and will provide CHUF with increased stability going forward.
As such CHUF is now looking for Trustees for the charity. The Charities Trustees are in charge of running the charity and making decisions regarding its management in order to achieve its aims.
Why volunteer?
Are you interested in learning new skills?
Would you like to meet new people?
Would you like to share your skills, time and ideas with others?
Are you passionate about the development and education of young children?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, we would love to hear from you, and provide you with more information about becoming a Trustee. Please email:
Sessions are available at both our settings from September 2019, sessions run in Haddenham Monday through to Friday 9.10am to 12.10pm (Open to 2,3 and 4 year olds) and 12.10pm to 3.10pm (Open to 3 and 4 year olds).
And in Chearsley Monday through to Friday 9.10am to 12.10pm (Open to 2,3 and 4 year olds) and 12.10pm to 3.10pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday (Open to 3 and 4 year olds).
CHUF offers Two-year-old funding for those eligible, as well as 15 hours of Universal funding for all 3- and 4-year olds. CHUF in Chearsley also offers part of the Extended Funding offer that some 3- and 4-year olds are eligible for (Currently 24 of the 30 hours).
Haddenham CHUF is currently looking at providing extended funding in the near future. Chearsley offers a breakfast club, and we are looking at rolling this out in Haddenham from September 2019. More information regarding CHUF can be found on our website:, or to join our waiting list please email: