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Clerk to Parish Council

by Haddenham Webteam – 4th March 2014
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Haddenham Parish Council is continuing to search for a new Clerk, as a successor to Gill Dudley who has served the local community in this role for over 26 years.

Here's the formal brief:

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

The Parish Council is looking to appoint a self-motivated person who will be able to bring experience to the position of Parish Clerk.

The Clerk's responsibilities include producing agendas and minutes for all Council meetings and Committees, liaising with outside bodies, actioning the Council's decisions, acting as the Council's Financial Officer and keeping the Council's financial records. Evening and some out of hours work is required.

The successful candidate will have good financial and book keeping skills, be computer literate and competent in using Microsoft Office and be familiar with local government law, procedures and finance. Good organisation skills are essential as is a large degree of tact, diplomacy and flexibility in dealing with members of the public and other bodies. Local knowledge would be a positive advantage.

Hours will be 30 per week. Salary : £20,280

Please apply for Application Form and Job Profile by :

Email to : haddenhampc@btconnect.com
Phone : 01844 292411

Closing date for receipt of applications 23rd March, 2014.

Interview date : Friday, 4th April, 2014.

Haddenham Parish Council, 87 Wykeham Way, Haddenham, Bucks. HP17 8BU

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