Glimpse the golden age of travel and be transported back in time to a glamorous era of elegance, decadence and luxury. Climb on board the Venice Simplon Orient Express, the legendary train that has captured the imagination of aristocrats, spies, writers and film stars as it travels through the majestic scenery of Europe from Istanbul.
Be entertained by some of the finest choirs as you take this historical journey.
The Wichert Chorale, in association with Friends of St Mary's and Haddenham Village Society present Music on the Orient Express, conducted by David Quinn, narrated by Ed Cairns.
Saturday 1st December 2012 at 7.30pm.
Tickets available from Blooming Fruity, Alison Court 291553 or Henriette Webb 291347. (Tickets £12, £10 concessions £5 children).