Buckinghamshire County Council is consulting on changes to early help services for children and families. It wants the views of Bucks residents on these proposals.
In particular:
The closure of the Children's Centre services in Haddenham would result in local families having to travel much greater distances to gain the assistance they need. It would also have serious financial consequences for the Haddenham Community Library, which derives a major source of income from the dual use of the building by Children's Services.
We may already be on the back foot in Haddenham. A local resident who attended the most recent public meeting on this matter told us that "the four councillors present did not appear particularly interested in Haddenham and other outlying villages – their power point map only went out as far as Stone!"
The views of Buckinghamshire residents and partner organisations on the proposed changes to early help services are very important part of the review process. BCC is seeking residents' thoughts and ideas to inform the decision-making and help shape the future of early help services. It is also important that BCC consults with those affected by any proposals that may result in changes to, and/or the use of, our children's centre buildings.
Have your say by completing the online questionnaire here
Or if you prefer, complete a paper copy. Paper copies and a prepaid envelope can be picked up from Haddenham Community Library.
NB: The closing date is Thursday 13th December 2018.