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Coffee Morning raises over £800

by Haddenham Webteam – 20th July 2017
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florence nightingale coffee morning

Continuing a long tradition of fantastic fundraising for their community, a team of volunteers from the Haddenham Community Fundraising Group held a very successful event on Wednesday, 20th July – raising £818 for Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity through the Coffee Morning at Long Crendon Manor.

As well as coffee, tea and biscuits, there was a Raffle which raised £212 and the Bring & Buy and Bake Sale brought in just over £90 each.

"Well done to everyone for a terrific effort," said Angela Hart, who leads the Haddenham Community Fundraising Group. "Obviously the venue was a great draw, and fortunately the weather held fine. Tim and Sue Soar made us very welcome and were kindness itself in their support. Thanks particularly to the Committee and to volunteers Jenny and Doreen, and to David who provided marshalling, and the cake makers, who did a wonderful job of producing very tasty cakes for the sale."

The Haddenham Community Fundraising Group raises thousands every year for the Hospice through events such as their Cream Tea, Fashion Show, Wine and Cheese Evening and Coffee Mornings. Their next event is a Fashion Show and Afternoon Tea on 28th September with the very popular Baban Boutique.

"The Group makes a significant contribution to funding services in Florence Nightingale Hospice," said Emma Carroll of FNHC. "We are so grateful to the Committee for organising and fundraising and to the people who give time and money so generously at the events."

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