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Comment on the Neighbourhood Plan

by Haddenham Webteam – 21st December 2014
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Despite the active steps being taken by the Parish Council to communicate details of the draft Neighbourhood Plan, it is possible that some Haddenham residents will not have engaged in the consultation process, and the opportunity to do so will soon pass them by.

In order for the Neighbourhood Plan to be considered valid and a fair reflection of the wishes of local residents, it is extremely important that all reasonable steps have been taken to communicate and consult with those residents, as the Plan takes shape.

One long-term Haddenham resident is anxious to promote this consultation process, and offers the following thoughts ...

The draft Neighbourhood Plan for Haddenham was published on Saturday 6th December, and the required six weeks of consultation is now underway. The process concludes on Saturday 17th January 2015. Given all the wonderful distractions of Christmas and New Year, the NP may not gain all the attention it deserves.

The time between now and 17th January is the last opportunity we have to give the Parish Council our views on Haddenham's draft Neighbourhood Plan (NP). In particular if you have any comments at all on the draft NP; or on the planning applications already submitted for the developments on the glebe land or on the airfield, the time to confirm your view on these to Haddenham Parish Council is NOW!

The Neighbourhood Plan for Haddenham gives us our best chance of influencing where and how many new houses are built in the village, and sets out aims covering the next 20 years. You may have picked up a paper copy of the "Executive Summary" of the NP, that is "Haddenham Focus Issue 3", at the launch of the NP on 6th December. You should have received a copy of that document hand delivered through your letterbox, probably within the last seven days.

A Very Brief Summary of the Plan

The NP has been very well researched and presented. It aims to restrict new housebuilding in the village, bearing in mind national policies, to less than 450 dwellings. (This compares with approximately 1,000 new homes if, in the absence of a Neighbourhood Plan, all current development proposals were to be approved by AVDC for the village). The NP also covers redevelopment of buildings in Banks Park, Banks Parade and on the recreation ground, and a large number of other aspects. In accordance with its aims, if the Executive Summary/Focus document is opened out the text in the pink boxes highlights important aspects of the NP and covers planning matters, and records proposals for coping with many other key issues that face us as a village over the next 20 years. Once completed and formally approved, AVDC will have to take notice of the NP in making their planning decisions.

The Consultation and Why You Should Comment Now

The Parish Council has designated the time from 6th December to 17th January for Consultation on the contents of the draft NP. Everyone's views on any part of the NP are extremely helpful to the Parish Council, and these can cover matters from broad statements about the NP as a whole, right down, for example, to how much cycle storage each new house has. You might simply give comments based on some of those pink boxes in the Focus document. The Parish Council will have to satisfy AVDC that villagers have been well consulted after incorporating in the draft plan points from the responses that it has received, and then we will have no further opportunity to comment on the NP. The NP will then be submitted to AVDC for their approval before it is offered for a local referendum, and final sign-off by a government inspector.

Further Information and Contacts

The draft plan can be downloaded from the pdf link below the "Have Your Say" image on this page, and a hardcopy can be seen in the Community Library or the Parish Office. You can also pick up a copy of the Executive Summary/Focus document from the same places. There is a video (under 3 minutes) explaining the main points in the plan, which you can find here:


You can also contact the NP team at the Parish Office by telephone on: 01844 292411.

The Community Library will be open on Tuesday 23rd, Saturday 27th and Tuesday 30th December, also on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd of January. The Parish Office will probably be closed, starting on 25th December, reopening again on 2nd January.

How to Send Your Comments on the NP

You can email andrew.fell831@btinternet.com
or via: haddenhampc@btconnect.com
or via or the NP secretary Kim Biddulph at: kimbiddulph@btinternet.com

Or you can deliver or send your comments to the Parish Office, Banks Park, Banks Road, Haddenham, Aylesbury, HP17 8EE (the office now has a letterbox!)

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