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Community Orchard Moves Closer

by David Greaves – 25th August 2015
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Last Saturday dawned bright and sunny which we, the community orchard group, hoped would bring out supporters of the project to the 'marking out' day. We were not disappointed as around 30 people both young and old visited during the morning/early afternoon. What was particularly pleasing was that the visitors represented a lot of the village and not just those living adjacent to the orchard site.

A small marquee had been erected which offered some shade from the beautiful weather as well as providing an informal congregating point. There was a good discussion on the orchard layout and fund raising. A questionnaire board enabled visitors to record additional points to be considered by the orchard group.

Junior members took part in apple bobbing and other organised games. A demonstration of apple pressing and the tasting of homemade cider were of particular interest to many visitors.

Tea, coffee, cordial and biscuits were consumed in quantities whilst helping/watching the business of marking out the orchard according to the design by Andy Howard.
Work was completed around 2.30pm with the orchard group very satisfied with the day's activities.

The latest total figure from private donors now stands at £400. We would like this total to rise to at least £1000 during September for the scheduled initial planting date in October.

The budget for the total layout complete with the trees, bushes, all necessary signs, furniture and acknowledgment boards is £4500.

If you would like to contribute please download the donor form (see PDF below images).

For your diaries, please note the next two orchard group dates that require your physical presence are:

03 October 2015 Initial tree planting
07 November 2015 Second tree planting

For further information please visit our Facebook page.

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