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Computing for Total Beginners

by Haddenham Webteam – 27th September 2013
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Haddenham Library is holding a special information day for older members of the community on Tuesday 1st October. On offer will be information on many specific services aimed at this particular age group.

Some specialist providers will also be coming in, to advertise their services. The event will feature various live presentations – plus tea, coffee and cake!

Two of the live presentations will be demonstrating what personal computers and the internet can do – and how anyone can use this technology to help them achieve many useful things, from paying bills and ordering groceries to communicating with friends and family on the other side of the world.

The presentations are entitled "Computing and the Internet for Total Beginners" and, as the name suggests, will be aimed at those folk who have never used a personal computer or smart phone in their lives – but would like to know a little more about how they can do so.

This is particularly relevant now that Haddenham Community Library has free internet access available via its Wi-Fi (wireless) network.

The two (identical) presentations will commence at 10:45am and 11:45am.

If you know a friend, neighbour or relative who may be interested in attending, please let them know (as they are unlikely to see this webpage themselves!)

Please could those who would like to come along and hear one of these presentations let the Library staff know in advance.

More details from the Library Reception,
or from U3A chairman, Carol Mason – Tel: 292236 Email: mason.carol16@gmail.com
or from Keith Milmer Tel: 290244 Email: haddenham.net@hotmail.com

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