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Condition of Bucks' Roads

by Bucks County Council – 27th June 2018
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Buckinghamshire County Council residents are being asked for their views on highways and transport services – from the condition of roads and footpaths to the way the Council carries out winter maintenance.

Their answers will be compared with those of other members of the public across England and Scotland, through the National Highways and Transport (NHT) Public Satisfaction survey.

Buckinghamshire County Council is one of 113 Local Authorities to sign up to the standardised survey that asks members of the public exactly the same questions, whether they live in Iver in the South or Buckingham in the North of the County.

The survey, which is being run for the eleventh year, is the largest collaboration between Local Authorities offering the opportunity to not only measure their own results but also compare their results with similar authorities and share in best practice.

The questionnaire was sent to a minimum random sample of at least 3,300 of Buckinghamshire's residents last week with a deadline of 20 August to return the questionnaire.

A new development this year is that businesses and other specific interest groups will also be asked to complete the survey online.

Mark Shaw, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Transportation urged the public to get involved saying: "In Buckinghamshire we strive to take on board the views of our customers. As the results of the survey are based on a sample of the population of Buckinghamshire, if you have received one, please take part – the results will help us to prioritise where we should spend our ever-decreasing budget."

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