COVID-19 Vaccinations Update 28th March 2021
How can I get my second COVID-19 vaccine?
Some patients are starting to worry that they will not get their second vaccination. Please do not be concerned as there are systems in place to make sure that you are fully vaccinated.
I received my first vaccine at the Stoke Mandeville Stadium Hub
We will contact patients who received their Covid vaccination at the Stoke Mandeville Stadium hub 10 weeks after they have had their first Covid vaccine jab to book the 2nd vaccine jab. If you have not heard by the 11th week after your first vaccine jab, please contact the surgery. Please do not ring any earlier than 11 weeks after your first jab.
I went to a different vaccination centre
If you had your first Covid vaccine jab at another vaccination centre, you need to return to that centre for your second vaccination. This is because stocks are delivered to vaccination centres depending on how many were vaccinated there for the first jab. You will be contacted directly by the other vaccination centre to be invited to book an appointment.
I am over 50 years old and have not been invited to have a COVID-19 vaccine yet. What do I do?
We are confident that all our patients over 50 have been invited to have a vaccine either directly by us or by the national booking system. But if for any reason, this has not happened, please contact the surgery to book.
I am over 50 years old and initially did not want a vaccine but have changed my mind. How can I get a vaccine now?
We are so pleased that you now want to have a vaccine. We understand there were some rumours circulating about the vaccine before which might have put people off. We are confident that the vaccines are effective and safe. Please ring the surgery to book an appointment at our hub, or go on line at or ring 119 to book at one of the pharmacy-led hubs, like the JMW Vicary pharmacy in Haddenham, or the mass vaccination site at Buckinghamshire New University in Aylesbury.
I am under 50 years old. When will I be called for my vaccine?
The Government has told us we cannot book patients who are under 50 yet. It is still being decided when and how these vaccinations will be provided.
And finally...
When you are invited, get whichever COVID vaccine you can, wherever you can, and as soon as you can!
Dr Mark Howcutt
Haddenham Medical Centre