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Crime Prevention Warning

by Haddenham Webteam – 17th October 2017
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car theft

Thames Valley Police have issued a statement pointing out that overnight on Sunday into Monday morning (15th October – 16th October) three thefts were reported from vehicles in the Haddenham area.

Two reports were from residents in the Yolsum Close area and one was from Cotts Field. Property stolen included a purse, a silver ornament, perfume bottles and small change.

A mobile phone and vehicle documents were also stolen from a vehicle in Stone on Sunday (15/10).

PCSO Sue Jones from the Waddesdon Neighbourhood Policing Team (NHPT) said "Please check your vehicle is locked and the alarm is set, when it is parked and unattended.

"Make sure all property is removed from it and don't try to hide items away, as thieves know all the places to look.

"Any property left on display could tempt opportunist criminals to break into your vehicle – it only takes a few moments.

"If you see anyone acting suspiciously around parked vehicles please call us at the time it happening. Call on 101, or if a crime is actually happening at the time dial on 999"

For further crime prevention advice and information please visit the Thames Valley Police website.

If you have any information about these thefts please call PCSO Jones on the 24 hour non-emergency number 101.

If you don't want to talk to the police or give your details you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, or report it online.

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