The website and GDPR:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on Friday 25th May 2018.
All users registered on this community website, will shortly be receiving an email from its editor.
Please be re-assured – this email is GENUINE – it is not a scam.
It's a bit long-winded (sorry!) but it's really important that recipients of the email read and reply to ONE of the THREE options offered, please.
Of the three options offered, one is particularly important if you wish to have your records deleted from our database.
But please note – we never send out emails to multiple recipients – the only time we correspond with individuals is when there may be a query relating to a post on the Buy & Sell section or the Share & Chat section of this website.
This will be a private conversation by which the Editor might seek clarification or is looking to help the author of a post avoid an unwanted response from other website users.
Nevertheless, all those registered with this website have the right to have their records deleted if they so wish.
To do so, please send an email with the subject line 'Please delete my record' to this email address:
Thank you
Keith Milmer