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A Dementia-friendly Community?

by David Lyons – 2nd October 2017
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A group of local residents has recently been considering what might be involved in getting Haddenham officially recognised as a dementia friendly community.

This recognition is likely to involve a wide group of residents embracing the 'dementia friends' concept, arranging a series of public information sessions and getting the support of the parish council.

This has nothing to do with individual care plans for individuals who may have dementia: it is about raising awareness and a better understanding of dementia in the community.

Prime movers in this initiative will meet at 10A Thame Road (HP17 8EW), on Tuesday evening 17th October to consider the resources required to seek and obtain official recognition.

You can find out more about what it takes to be a dementia friendly community here.

It is intended that participants at the meeting will be reviewing the seven Foundation Criteria, considering what each involves and estimating the likely timescales in which they could be met in Haddenham. At this stage the discussion will be fairly high level and centred around defining the support that would be needed from the various village organisations and business, and how this support might be obtained.

This initiative is not intended to duplicate the activities of other village organisations such as Age Concern or the Thursday club: it is hoped that it will complement them.

The objective is to make Haddenham a better place for those with dementia, for those who care for such individuals and for those who might have dementia at a future stage in their lives.

If you are able to attend, please let David Lyons know and he will confirm the details and forward a copy of the agenda for the meeting. His email is: dakeyd10@googlemail.com

If you have contacts with a village organisation that is likely to be interested in this initiative, please let them know. If more people wish to attend than can be accommodated at the chosen venue, we may need to hire a room!

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