There will be a meeting of Haddenham Parish Council's Planning Committee on Monday 21st March, taking place in the Walter Rose Room, commencing at 7.30pm.
This particular meeting may be of interest to a wide group of Haddenham residents, as it will consider three planning applications that have raised a wide range of concerns and opinions.
The press and members of the public are invited to attend.
The meeting will start after three short presentations from representatives of the planning applications listed below.
There will be a short Q&A for Councillors and members of the public following each
The following applications will be discussed:
16/00412/AOP: Land East Of Stanbridge Road – Rectory Homes
16/00047/APP: Land At Dollicott Paddock – W.E. Black
16/00551/APP: Chiltern House Thame Road – Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd.