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Devt Plans for East of Churchway

by Haddenham Webteam – 9th January 2023
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Richborough Estates are currently running a public consultation exercise with members of the local community on proposals for a new residential development on land East of Churchway, near the junction with Stanbridge Road, opposite Rosemary Lane.

A leaflet was sent to approximately 700 households who reside nearest to the site in December. The leaflet provides an overview of their proposals including the masterplan. It also includes a free paid response form for any comments to be provided.

The leaflet also directs residents to their website which provides a more detailed description of the development proposals and related information.

Richborough Estates are keen to hear residents views on the emerging development proposals so they can help shape the final proposals for the site. Residents can also make comments via their website.

According to Richborough Estates, the proposals are "still evolving" and are currently for a residential development of up to 91 dwellings which will include a range of house types, together with areas of open space and a new children's play area. Thirty per cent of the new homes will be provided as affordable housing in line with Buckinghamshire Council's policy.

The application is the site of a previous proposal by Richborough Estates back in 2017 (ref: 17/01225/AOP), which was refused and the decision subsequently upheld at appeal. The reasons for refusal of planning permission are detailed in the attached PDF.

Whilst additional statutory publicity will take place by the Local Planning Authority after the application is submitted to Buckinghamshire Council later this year, Richborough Estates are publicising the draft proposals at this pre-application stage to seek residents thoughts and ideas on the scheme.

A meeting of the Planning Committee of Haddenham Parish Council took place on Monday 9th January, during which Richborough Estates made an online presentation about this development.

The public consultation being conducted by Richborough Estates will close on Friday 13th January. Haddenham residents are encouraged to voice their opinions.

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