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Difficulties in Gaining UK Residency

by Haddenham Webteam – 26th October 2017
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Your website editor has been approached by Leah Joy Kelton, who is struggling to secure a UK residency visa. Some of the background information from Leah is presented here, so that readers can form their own view and consider adding their names to the online petition.

My husband and I have been in the process of moving to Haddenham for about the last 12 months. Charles is a British citizen who grew up in London, trained as a web developer and is now pursuing his MSc in Psychology at Oxford Brookes University. I grew up in Minnesota, studied Theology (in the UK) and now run my own business in photography & design. We have temporary accommodation near Banks Parade in Haddenham – this is where Charles is based, while I am stuck in the United States.

We were married in Minnesota four-and-a-half years ago. We are active in church and since being back and forth from Haddenham during this process we have been involved with Haddenham Baptist Church. I sing with Reverend Pink at The Vibe Acoustic Cafe at Ticketty Brew when I am in the country.

We decided to move back to the UK for Charles to do his MSc course and so that we might be a bit closer to his ageing mother, as he's an only child.

It seems to us, however, that the UK Visa and Immigration department is intent on making things extremely difficult.

I cannot be re-united with Charles until the UK Visa & Immigration finish fixing my visa vignette (the stamp they place in your passport). We do have the visa, so it's no longer a matter of waiting for that to be approved, but when we received my passport back with the vignette stamp in, they had made a mistake on the date.

Now, until they fix it, I cannot travel to our home in the UK.

We contacted UKVI nearly three months ago to report their mistake and (except for an automated email on 8th September giving us no-one to contact or any actionable steps) they have been unresponsive.

UKVI knew we had to be back in the UK by 18th September for Charles' course of study to re-start. Yet, here it is almost the end of October and we are no closer to correcting the vignette in my passport so I that I can fly to the UK.

I am effectively homeless, as we left our life behind in the States to move to the UK.

UKVI told us we were being granted my visa in May 2017 and yet, five months later, we are still left with our lives held in suspension. Worst of all, we're parted, with no end in sight and with no explanations being offered. It is utterly frustrating.

It is now six weeks since Charles had to return to the UK, on the date were were meant to return together. The situation is causing great distress and trauma.

Please consider signing our petition, which you can find here:


Sincere thanks

Leah Joy Kelton
26th October 2017

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